Build personal projects ranging from web apps to fun games
Bordered Projects   ==> Notable
I am a socialable software engineer (it's only a slight oxymoron) who
wants to make great software for people to use!
Contact Me
matthew [AT]
I made the website landing page for Loop
Specifically: I implemented the core of the website along with the external sign up, and for the images I applied styling via photoshop (the video + most of the images were provided)
What is this site?
Loop is the landing page for a start-up called Loop: a connection campus life platform for college students, administrators and organizations
Client Description of Website
Website should be for onboarding new-users
Target demographic customers are student leaders and college administrators
Client provided the video to showcase users - to be viewable on the front page of the website
Under the hood
Back-End: PHP; Front-End: HTML, CSS, Javascript
Wordpress is CMS
Using MailChimp to add users to the MailList
Hosted by Siteground
March 2019
Name Keeper App
We've all been there. You know that person's face and remember his horn-rimmed glasses, fiery-red hair and shy demeanor. BUT: you just cannot remember his name.
To solve this problem, I made a mobile App (iOS and Android) that stores the names + descriptions of the people you meet within your social groups.
I built the app from scratch with the UI+UX feedback of 8+ people along with some architectural guidance
How does it work?
The app has groups (i.e. social circles) you create.
Inside each group (e.g. Work) you put down the names of the people you meet
This app is meant for those niche occasions where you meet someone in passing (and don't get their FB or #), but might see them again in the future
The main target audience is club/organizational leaders
Under the Hood
Views: React Native
Back-end: Expo, React Navigator, SQLite, Redux and Sentry
Approved by App Store for Beta release under Testflight; currently being deployed to Google Play
Hubble optics is a website for the small-business, Hubble Optics, which sells large-scale optic systems
Client Description of Website
Website should have a lefthand navbar on all pages
The objective of the business is to sell optic systems to customers
Target demographic customers are generally age range of 40+
Should not have fancy features and should be very simple to navigate
Under the hood
Handle and monitor Search Engine Optimization (e.g. web crawls)
Content hosted on AWS cloudfront
Hosted by Yahoo Small Business (as per client request)
March 2019
CoinCollect (Augmented Reality App)
CoinCollect (Augmented Reality App)
As a team of 3, we produced a Augmented Reality App
I implemented the logic behind the real-world distance monitoring
It was a fun project, where I and everyone on the team wanted to simply tinker with Google's experimental AR Browsers
How the App Works
This is an Augmented Reality Game where the objective is to collect coins
Coins are collected by tapping on boxes; these boxes are randomly generated at the start
By getting physically close enough to a box, and then tapping the box on the phone screen, users can collect coins, and increase their score
Boxes that have already been touched (and gave out coins) turn from orange to red
The Techonology
This uses Google's AR Browsers (not in production and are experimental), which expose functionality of ARCore and ARKit to the web: learn more here
It's essentially a Chromium modification for Android Apps - the WebARonARCore is built on top of Android ARCore APK
We use this in conjunction with (used for developing 3D objects) - docs for are here
The App in Action
Under the Hood
In our code, we setup the three.js rendering environment
Inside the render loop, called once per frame, we constantly check for collisions, by iterating through all the different cubes (which are in a group) and seeing if the camera is close enough to trigger an event
Boxes (or cubes) are randomly generated around the camera's 3D position
I made the landing page website for District Dumplings
Specifically: I implemented the core of the website - the images were provided and I applied some styling via photoshop and css
What is this site?
It is a website for the small-business restaurant, District Dumplings, which is located in Fairfax, Virginia
Client Description of Website
Be easy to navigate!
Present information very concisely
Under the hood
Back-End: PHP; Front-End: HTML, CSS, Javascript
Wordpress is CMS
Pique theme used
Hosted by Hostgator
March 2019
Finnest App
As a team of 4, we created a prototype web app for the startup, Finnest
Finnest is a mobile app tied to a secured debit card which that handles financial transactions for kids and teens
I worked on front-end aspects
Under the Hood
We use Sails.js as our MVC framework (it's developed atop the Node.JS enivornment)
We used Foundation for styling
For the backend: MySQL is our RDBMS
March 2019
I made the fun, popular game, Tetris, from scratch using the software platform JavaFX
The especially fun/tricky aspects of the project to imeplement were coding the rotation of pieces and the clearing of lines
How the Game Works
7 randomly generated pieces fall to the stage
Pieces can be shifted or rotated by pressing keys on the keyboard
Pressing the down key accelerates the motion of the piece; pressing space drops the piece
Under the hood
Each tetris piece is randomly generated, and each piece is composed of 4 wrapper square classes
The entire tetris board is implemented as a 2-D array
Inside our handle methods we have to calculate a variety of events (e.g. if the tetris piece tries to go out of the bounds of the board); we use a Timeline to animate the Piece going down
March 2019
I made the fun, (and once) popular game, Doodle Jump, from scratch using the software platform JavaFX
The especially fun/tricky aspects of the project to imeplement were coding the scrolling of the screen and the accleration (due to "gravity") of the doodle piece
How the Game Works
A doodle jumps up platforms - and tries to not fall into the abyss!
As the doodle progresses upwards, the stage vertically scrolls
The player is able to interact with the doodle using arrow keys
Under the hood
Setting up a stage, we instantiate a game board and used key handlers for user input
Gravity and Quit Handlers implements the EventHandler Interface
We had a Game Class handle the logic of the game (e.g. add pieces to the pane)
Piece class (to make the different pieces) instantiated Square Objects from the Square Class
March 2019
also known as Reversi
I made the fun, popular game, Othello, from scratch using the software platform JavaFX
Features a human vs. human player mode
Employs aritificial intelligence (using minimax algorithm) for the computer players
How the Game Works
Game can be played with human players or computer players (AI)
Game is set on a 8x8 grid; the game is played between 2 players
Each player moves in turns and the objective is to have as many tiles by the end (of your color)
A player can place a piece every turn - opponent's tiles are flipped by sandwiching them with your pieces
Under the hood
Setting up a stage, we instantiate a 2-D game board and used key handlers for user input.
We have a HumanPlayer and ComputerPlayer class which each handles its own logic - but they both implement a Player Interface
There is also a Referee class that handles when players should move and the legality of moves
To check for sandwiches, we have the referee class iterate through all the board pieces (for each move), checking in all 8 directions
For the ComputerClass, we have to use Artifical Intelligence, specifically MiniMax
Human Player vs Computer Player
Artifical Intelligence
The Computer Player determines the best move based upon a MiniMax Search, an adversial search, which means it tries to maximize its own score or lower the opponent's score
Each of the squares are assigned a value of importance (is a bit subjective, but the corner squares are worth more)
MiniMax has to create simulated boards to determine all the different possible outcomes - this requires a copy constructor
By weighing all the different moves - which means taking into account the difference in points between players - the AI Player will then choose the best move